Saturday, June 21, 2008

Fail 9999 times

Many optimists believed that there is no such thing as failure in their dictionary. To them all failures just considered as only outcomes. They rise and bounce back from every defeat and become wiser, stronger and more experienced.

The famous story of Thomas Edison who 'tried' almost 10,000 times before he was able to come out with his patented new technology invention - the gramophone. However, there is no exact proof that he was really 'failed' almost 10,000 times. To many of us, that amount of trials doesn't make him famous, but his spirit to keep trying until successful is utmost important.

When asked about his new invention, he replied; 'I didn't fail 9999 times. I found and discovered 9999 ways it wouldn't work.'

Now, if anyone of us discovered few times that things wouldn't work, do we have the same level of persistency? Nowadays, we can see many people easily give up on their dreams. Realistically, we should not compare our level of success with others, but should compare them with our previous successes. For if we start comparing our successes with others, there are people who always less or more successful than us. Our own successes always a fair yardstick to measure ourselves as we progress. Above all, never never give up but start again more prepared and intelligently.

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