Sunday, April 20, 2008


Every person irrespective of born normal or disabled always inherited one possession - potential.

Ironically, this natural potential always claimed by few. Majority may don't realize about this potential within them. Many always settle for mediocre in almost whatever they're venture into. I know for a fact that many kids being pampered with killing ideas and notions especially in developing countries. They being "conditioned" to an extent that their parents always claimed that they know what best for their kids. Thus, parents always trying to control much on the mental development of their children.

One good example of this inner potential can be detected if a kid shows some interest or tendency into something at an early age; e.g. he/she likes music and interested to musical instruments. Instead, parents for being leader in the family will quickly discourage the idea. For reason only known to the parents, they discourage their kids should not explore this tendency. Sorts of reasons will kill this potential. In Malaysia for example only has 26 millions plus population. If one wants to become recording artist, there will be very limited market. They also said it is non-professional job. Their kids should go for something with higher order in society fabrics such as doctor, lawyer, engineer, accountant, etc.

However, I beg to differ on this matter. Whatever professions are always professional. It bolds down to how one can make and execute it professionally. Look at how many successful artists or singers globally and some of them earning more dollars than the real so called professionals group because they know how to professionalized their career. They are targeting international and global markets for unlimited reach. To parents who may visited this blog, kindly don't take my suggestion at face value, but rather look at the total picture. I may not in the position to advise parents because I'm not an expert in parenting. Any bright potential within small kids should be encouraged in parallel while developing them academically. Both skills set are of the same degree of importance for focus and attention. This is not limited to only one particular interest. The interest and potential could be in anything(so long as the interest is something legal). How to discover and develop that potential also no less important.

I guess everyone heard and knew of who Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is? Imagine if his father discouraged his talent and potential into music and encouraged him compulsory to follow his step to become a teacher, we wouldn't have so talented composer of classical era.

Now, all of us inherited that kind of possession - potential within us. Utilize on that potential and sharpen it in order for it to shine. At least, one day we can leave our legacy in a small little way. Go for that potential and listen to it carefully where it want to lead you to in life...

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